Well that can I say….I was pregnant and a bundle of
nerves!! I didn’t enjoy my pregnancy at
all and it wasn’t for the reasons you would think. Yes, I felt sick for the first 12 weeks and then
I struggled with migraines, but I could cope with that. It was just the never ending feeling that
something would go wrong and this was my one shot of being a mum, I even bought
a baby Doppler so I could listen for a heartbeat myself (not recommended…. if
you can’t find a heartbeat, you nearly make yourself sick worrying). Luckily everything went smoothly….apart from
the birth!! I had to have an emergency c
section…told you nothing is ever straight forward for me!!
Anyway…… we were extremely blessed to have a beautiful baby
girl and I couldn’t stop looking at her, we did it….we finally were complete as
a family or so I thought….
It wasn’t until 4 years later........I was feeling unwell and I
can remember saying to my friend at work that I thought I was going through
early menopause and I had made an appointment at the doctors and she said to me “are
you sure you’re not pregnant” and I laughed and said “I’m positive”. Well it turns out I was positive - the pregnancy test proved it! She was right….I was pregnant and when I phoned
my husband to tell him, he said quite a few swear words down the phone…happy
ones of course
So, yip I had two miracles….and we were blessed with a gorgeous baby boy and now our family was well and truly complete.
So…..miracles do happen, well they did for me.
And just to finish up……people asked me all the time after I
got married “do you not want kids yet?”, and I would always say “nope, not yet”
(while screaming inside…..of course I bloody do), but what could I say, I
didn’t want to have to explain myself to everyone that asked. So please……. think before you ask someone
this question, having children doesn’t come easy to us all.
So, yip I had two miracles….and we were blessed with a gorgeous baby boy and now our family was well and truly complete.
Yes, I’m in a happy place in my life now and my husband was
amazing through it all and we are now stronger than we have ever been together
as a couple, but I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t hard and we didn’t
have out struggles, as I’m sure lots of people do. I’m just thankful that we made it out the
other side, as not everyone is as lucky us to have their happy ending.
So…..miracles do happen, well they did for me.
Anyway, thanks for reading and sorry for the wee rant at the
Bye for now.
M x